A soakaway is a hole that is dug into the ground and then filled with coarse stone/rubble or specially designed plastic crates. It allows water to filter through it and soak away into the ground.

Soakaways manage surface water at its source instead of draining it away via a stream or sewer system. Soakaways collect all surface water run-off into one point, allowing it to drain in a controlled manner into the ground in the area where it falls.

Why are soakaways used?

Soakaways allow levels of surface water to be controlled which prevents flooding during heavy rainfall. Soakaways can be used both commercially and domestically and are most often used in more rural areas where there are no storm drains and so flooding holds an increased risk. This is not to say they are exclusive to rural areas. Soakaways are also often found in gardens where the land becomes waterlogged.

Another reason why they are so widely used is that they are an invisible feature once installed and will not be an eyesore on your property or site.

What does soakaway testing involve?

We use an excavator or handheld equipment to dig a hole that we then fill with water. From here, we calculate the rate at which the water soaks away which gives us the infiltration rate. Additionally, we can perform shallow soakaway testing for SuDS, drainage fields for sewage treatment plants and micro drainage design.

We also carry out shallower soakaway testing to BS6297. This is required to design shallow drainage fields for packaged sewage treatment plants.

Benefits of a soakaway test from Your Environment

You’ll receive a full set of calculations and the calculated infiltration rate. We’ll also provide you with detailed geotechnical logs which are required to meet the BRE365 standard. With Your Environment, you can expect:

  • Soakaway testing that conforms to BRE365 standard
  • We undertake soakaway testing for SuDS or micro drainage design
  • You will receive an easy-to-understand, jargon-free report
  • The report can be submitted to your Local Authority planners to discharge a condition


Need a soakaway test? Contact us here to talk to a member of our team or request a free, no-obligation quote.